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Intensel Insights
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1 min read
WFX Dispatch Issue No.9
ADB Gender (Asian Development Bank) WFX (Women's Finance Exchange) On the heels of #cop28 the latest WFX Dispatch puts a spotlight on...

3 min read
Intensel Wins Global Sustainable Finance Technology Challenge at COP28 UAE Climate Summit
Intensel, a leading global climate risk analytics company, named as one of three top winners of the global COP28 UAE TechSprint Challenge.

2 min read
Hong Kong's Real Estate Climate Question
Is Hong Kong’s real estate industry climate ready? Climate change risks in Hong Kong are becoming more apparent, what used to be...

2 min read
Intensel: Providing Cutting-Edge Climate Risk Intelligence with Machine Learning
Providing Cutting-Edge Climate Risk Intelligence with Machine Learning

2 min read
Tropical Deforestation, Rainfalls and Climate Change
Changes in rainfall patterns due to human activities and climate dynamics can have severe impacts, especially on vulnerable populations...

2 min read
Climate Risk Intelligence: Harnessing Data and Technology for Resilience
Annual Weather, Climate and Catastrophe Insight report (2023) reveals $313 billion in global economic loss from natural catastrophes....

2 min read
Who suffers the most? The Unequal Impacts of Climate Change Across Business Sectors
Impacts on businesses across the globe are among the most critical challenges of climate change and associated uncertainties. A lack of...

2 min read
TCFD Report: Encouraging Climate-related Financial Disclosures, But Still a Long Way to Go
The TCFD 2022 status report is out, which details the gradual rise in financial disclosures related to climate change since 2017. While...

2 min read
In the Sea of Climate Data, How to Find Actionable Insights?
Under the high-impact climate change scenario in 2050, 66% of the largest international corporations have at least one asset that is...

2 min read
Where - and How - Climate Change is Experienced in APAC the Most: Climate Risks in Asia
Climate extremes and weather-related disasters displaced millions, killed thousands, and cost billions in Asia every year. While the land...

2 min read
The Rising Risk and Magnitude of Heatwaves under Global Warming
Heatwaves are known as “silent killers” and have long-lasting impacts on societies and businesses in terms of electricity shortages due...

2 min read
The Urgency of Climate Risk Solutions for Asia
Recent weather events, such as flooding in Asia, have highlighted the devastating impacts of climate change on different sectors,...
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